A guide simplifying the steps in healing toxicity.

Review the steps, then click the icons under each step to do your own research.



NOTE: This is a guide to learning. It is not medical advice.


toxicity & Our immune system

✧ Our immune system removes toxins from our bodies.

✧ Overexposure to toxins (food, water, house) can break down the system, and cause a leaky gut (increased intestinal permeability).

✧ How our bodies react to a leaky gut will vary and depends on our genetics.


Check yourself and see if you have any of the symptoms or issues below.


Symptoms are vast: joint pain, bloating, anxiety, hair loss, etc.


Autoimmune issues are linked to the microbiome (gut).


Rule it out. Don't GUESS.

Testing yourself and your environment is the best way to KNOW what is happening.
Test yourself and your environment to get the clearest picture


NOTE: Only take the tests that you feel are relevant to you.


This urine test will help you understand if you have a leaky gut.A leaky gut can result in many autoimmune issues, and increased sensitivities.NOTE: This test will tell you IF you have a leaky gut. Not HOW.


Noticed mold in your house now, or at some time before?
This simple urine test can show if you're affected by their mycotoxins.
Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by certain molds. They can be toxic when ingested, or absorbed through the skin.NOTE: You may need a dose of Glutathione before the tests to help with clearer results.
We recommend working with a practitioner to discuss results.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals can be found in our water, dust, and soil under our house.This can also cause a leaky gut can result in many autoimmune issues, and increased sensitivities.NOTE: Looking at the urine detox pathway, this test
will show what heavy metals you may be exposed to.


43% of homes in the US have current water damage. And 85% percent have past water damage.
This means there's a chance for toxins in your home. Let's rule it out.


Home (environmental) toxins SETTLE. They are heavier than air- and don't float. They fall. They gather in the dust.
Test your dust- and they can figure out what is in your home.
ERMI is a DNA-based method of testing that will identify and quantify molds.

A few ERMI Company Examples

Heavy Metal Water TEST

Water has a large influence on our health. Both in the shower, and what we drink.If your pipes are older, test your water- and see if this is causing you any issues.

Testing Examples:

Recommended house filters

Filtering your home is essential. The air we breathe and the water we drink can have a huge effect on our gut lining and overall health. Below are filters we use- and have found great success with.

Professional help


While there is a lot you can do yourself- you'll need a guide. Someone who understands toxicity.


Not all doctors are the same. Here's a currated list that studied under Dr. Neil Nathan (a thought leader in toxicity research).

Large database of docotrs that focus on toxicity. Not currated.
Make sure to ask about mycotoxin tests.


Indoor Environmental Professionals are key to identifying WHAT is happening in your home and WHERE.Testing before they do can be helpful- to identify IF you even have a mold/ toxin issue- since they can be expensive.If they find something- chances are they can help recommend how to remove your issue. Make sure to ask for a (CMRS) Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor company.


Companies we used. Doctor Books. Podcasts. Remediation Companies.
Just a basic breakdown of what we did that goes a bit more in-depth. Sign up and the file link will appear right away.


3 years ago my daughter started to lose her hair. She was just 4 years old, and by the time she turned 5 she lost every hair on her head, face, and body.She was diagnosed with alopecia by her dermatologist, and we were told it was a genetic condition with no cure. We were told that her immune system was inflamed and had begun to attack hair follicles. We were prescribed various topical treatments, attempting to distract her immune system. All of which didn't help her. After that first year of treatment, there was no hair anywhere on her head, face, or body.Eventually, we stopped this style of treatment and began to seek a more holistic approach. Through studying, I learned about gut health, and how our house and its toxins can poison us. Through trial and error, we were able to fully recover my daughter's condition.These links and keywords above are curated by us. These are the studies, tests, and resources we used to heal our girl.They used to tell me "It's just hair." But, now I know better. This is much bigger than our family's story. She reacted genetically with alopecia to inflammation. Everyone has their own response and has their own symptoms. There are so many of us affected by gut health that I had to share this information.I hope you find this site useful. Please share with a loved one if you do. Much love to you and your health.